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Faughanvale Primary School, Greysteel, Co.Derry

Asessment Practices - Survey Monkey

Please download the feedback from our Assessment Practices Survey carried out in May 2019.

We had 68 family responses, ( 78 pupils ) and the overall comments were extremely positive.

We will continue to implement our assessment practices in light of the feedback and will look to address any concerns raised. 

A slight alteration will be the change in the half term tests.  A class test will be carried out at the end of each term (Christmas and Easter) with a study topic list provided in advance of the test.   These tests will be a guideline to your child's progress and excellent preparation for the Progress Test in English (PTE) and the Progress Test in Maths (PTM)

Greater efforts will be made to raise the profile of the STAR Reading test for our Key Stage 2 classes.  At the beginning of each half term the KS2 pupils complete a STAR reading test to determine their Accelerated Reader target.  Results of these tests will be distributed during the Parent Teacher meeting on January 15th 2020.

Thank you once again for taking the time to complete this survey.


Homework In Faughanvale PS

Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire based on homework in our school. We had 57 family responses which is a good representation of our school. Thank you for your honesty. We will endeavour to take on board your opinions and make adjustments to homework practices in Faughanvale PS. In short; - 67% of those who took part in the survey believe that homework is important. - 32% of responses suggest their child/ren enjoy doing their homework. - 55% believe the amount of homework their child/ren receives is about right. - 91% believe that reading is the most important element of literacy homework with learning times tables and mental maths the preferred options in numeracy homework.