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Faughanvale Primary School, Greysteel, Co.Derry

Special message to P4 children and parents

1st May 2020

Dear P4 parents and children,

If school had been open today, there would have been great excitement about First Holy Communion this coming Sunday. Miss Moore would be busy making sure that the children were relaxed and ready to enjoy their very special day.

Parents, I know that this would have been an exciting time as you would have been making final preparations so that your sons and daughters would look and feel their very best. Together with the P4 children, the school community, Fr McDermott and your families, Sunday would have been a memorable day for everyone.

As we know this will not be the case. Whilst we do not know the rescheduled date for First Holy Communion as yet, we can still look forward in hope and excitement to that special day some time in the future.

Children, this is 1st May and we traditionally remember Mary during this month We are taught that in preparing for Holy Communion Jesus comes to us in a very special way. While we continue to wait for our First Holy Communion, let us pray to Mary and her Son Jesus and thank them for taking care of our families at this time. We also pray for each other in our class and school and ask that we will soon be back to normal.

First Holy Communion will take place and what an even special occasion that will be for the boys and girls, their families, the school community and the entire parish!

Mrs McGroarty