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Faughanvale Primary School, Greysteel, Co.Derry

Update to start of term

1st Jan 2021



Dear Parents I hope you all had a peaceful, restful and as safe a Christmas as we could have possibly expected this year.

As you are no doubt aware the Minister for Education announced yesterday that schools will not re-open until Monday 11th January.


As a result of this I need to inform you of how this will impact on our school community.  Staff will be at school on Monday 4th January to prepare work for remote learning for next week. Then from Tuesday 5th January 2021 remote learning will take place for all children using Seesaw. From Tuesday we will be open to accommodate children who require supervision. They too will be taught remotely under supervision as there will be no face to face teaching next week.


In relation to Keyworkers’ children this is by definition a child for whom both parents, or in the case of a parent in a single parent family, are key workers, with no other safe alternative. Further information will be issued on Monday to clarify which children may be supervised in school in accordance with the categories outlined by the Department of Education.


Claire and I will be in the school office on Monday to assist you with any concerns you  may have and I will keep you up to date with any developments as they arise.


Finally, this is not how we had hoped to start our second term but we as a staff will continue to support you and your children in every way we can. May I take this opportunity on behalf of all my staff to wish you and your families peace and good health in 2021.   Anne McGroarty